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How good is your memory?

769 * 400px
15 April 2024

Often when we talk to old people, we come across some of them who remember everything to the last detail. They can even recollect names, events, date and so on. We do wonder how is this possible when we, who are younger than them, are already finding it difficult to remember even our own phone numbers. The secret lies in two things - practice and maintenance. Yes, just like other body parts mind also needs practice to keep it sharp. The more you keep on using your brain the more it will be able to respond better. And there are traditional herbs having medicinal values to maintain our mind sharp and cool. Most of our older generation used these traditional ayurvedic medicines in their younger age and this habit have contributed to their better mental health.

Brahmi the magic content

Brahmi has been used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine for centuries. Brahmi, referred as Bacopa Monnieri, was used as a brain tonic to enhance memory development, learning and concentration. It was used to provide relief to patients with anxiety or epileptic disorders too. Recently research have been conducted focusing on Brahmi’s cognitive-enhancing effects and the results are positively concluding these properties which Ayurveda practitioners has claimed for centuries. Brahmi is referred in many classical text books as having memory enhancing properties and is mentioned under Medhya rasayana category. The constituents responsible for Bacopa’s cognitive effects are Bacosides A and B. Leading Ayurveda companies like  Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala utilizes standardized Brahmi extract comprising 40 % total Bacosides to deliver optimal therapeutic effects.

Experience the Brahmi effect. Keep your mind always cool.


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