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Is Acidity a concern for you?

769 * 400px
22 August 2024

Gastric-peptic diseases often result from an imbalance between the stomach's protective factors (like mucus, bicarbonate, and prostaglandins) and aggressive elements (such as hydrochloric acid, pepsin, and Helicobacter pylori). Many people experience discomfort due to excess stomach acid, triggered by factors like lifestyle, diet, and medications. This can lead to symptoms of acidity, such as heartburn, indigestion, and bloating.
Antacids work to relieve our gas trouble by restoring acid-base balance, attenuating the pepsin activity and increasing bicarbonate and prostaglandin secretion. Ayurveda has combinations of natural ingredients which keeps the acid-base balance maintenance in a healthy way.

Gasnope from Vaidyaratnam– Free yourself from stomach problems

Gasnope is a natural, sugar free chewable antacid and carminative tablet from Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala composed of ingredients like pharmaceutical grade Calcium Carbonate, Liquorice and Cumin. The major compounds present in cumin oil include cuminal, pinene, myrcene, cymene, terpinene, and mentha possesses excellent carminative property that relieves stomach bloating. Liquorice/Glycyrrhiza glabra is a time-tested herb, mentioned in Ayurvedic treatise for treatment of stomach disorders and possesses proven anti ulcerogenic activity. With an ideal combination of ingredients, Gasnope tablet possesses the pH 7- 8, by which it neutralizes the gastric acid secretion quickly, relieves stomach bloating, calms down stomach ulcer through multi-facial mechanism of actions.


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