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Would you like to have the strength of a horse?

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20 March 2024

We all would have read about the extra ordinary strength of a horse and the horse is also known as a simple of virility. In Ayurveda tradition there is one such medicine which gives you strength, endurance, and better health at all ages.

Ashwagandha the multi-purpose medicine for all ages

Withania somnifera popularly known as ‘ASHWAGANDHA’ is one of the major herbal components of geriatric tonics mentioned in Indian systems of medicine. In the traditional Ayurvedic medicine system, Ashwagandha is used to

Increase energy

Youthful vigour




It is also used to nurture the time elements of the body, increase vital fluids, muscle fat, blood, lymph, semen, and cell production. It helps counteract chronic fatigue, weakness, dehydration, bone weakness, loose teeth, thirst, impotency, premature aging emaciation, debility, convalescence, and muscle tension. The herb called Ashwagandha is known for its capability to invigorate the body by rejuvenating the reproductive organs, just as a tree is invigorated by feeding the roots. As this wonderful herb is also known for its potential to improve learning ability and memory capacity, Ashwagandha is used by people of all ages to keep their mind and body strong & healthy.


Experience the Ahswagandha effect. Keep your body & mind strong.
Vaidyaratnam uses the standardized extract of Aswagandha for the manufacture of Aswagandha tablets. Each tablet is comprised of 300 mg of extract which is equivalent to 3 gm Aswagandha root powder.


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