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Vaidyaratnam Sidharthaka Snana Choornam is an Ayurvedic bathing powder formulated for use in skin diseases. It helps soothe irritated skin, cleanse the body naturally, and promote overall skin health.
Why Choose Sidharthaka Snana Choornam?
Key Benefits
Ingredients | Scientific Name | Qty |
Mustha | Cyperus rotundus (Rz.) | 0.833 g |
Hareethaki | Terminalia chebula (P.) | 0.833 g |
Vibheethaki | Terminalia bellirica (P.) | 0.833 g |
Amalaki | Phyllanthus emblica (P.) | 0.833 g |
Madanaphala | Randia dumetorum (Fr.) | 0.833 g |
Karanja | Pongamia pinnata (St.Bk.) | 0.833 g |
Aragwadha | Cassia fistula (St.Bk.) | 0.833 g |
Kutaja | Holarrhena antidysenterica (Sd.) | 0.833 g |
Sapthaparna | Alstonia scholaris (St.Bk.) | 0.833 g |
Kushta | Saussurea lappa (Rt.) | 0.833 g |
Priyangu | Callicarpa macrophylla (Fl.) | 0.833 g |
Daruharidra | Berberis aristata (St.Bk.) | 0.833 g |
Good for using as a bathing powder in cases of skin diseases
The powder is to be mixed with boiled water and used for bath