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Ingredients | Scientific Name | Qty |
Sarpagandha | Rauvolfia serpentina (Rt.) | 0.22 g |
Hareethaki | Terminalia chebula (Fr.R.) | 0.155 g |
Vibheethaki | Terminalia bellirica (Fr.R.) | 0.155 g |
Amalaki | Phyllanthus emblica (Fr.R.) | 0.155 g |
Punarnava | Boerhaavia diffusa (Rt.) | 0.088 g |
Patola | Trichosanthes lobata (Pl.) | 0.088 g |
Nimba | Azadirachta indica (St.Bk.) | 0.088 g |
Katuka | Picrorhiza kurroa (St.) | 0.088 g |
Daruharidra | Berberis aristata (St.Bk.) | 0.088 g |
Guduchi | Tinospora cordifolia (St.) | 0.088 g |
Sunti | Zingiber officinale (Rz.) | 0.088 g |
Gokshura | Tribulus terrestris (Fr.) | 0.088 g |
Arjuna | Terminalia arjuna (St.Bk.) | 0.177 g |
Hypertension of all aetiology
Mild - 1 tablet daily after food, Moderate - 1 tablet twice daily, Severe-2 tablettwice daily, or as directed by the Physician.