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Bruhat Manjishtadi Kashaya Gulika Tablet is an Ayurvedic formulation designed to address a range of health conditions, particularly those involving skin disorders, neurological issues, and systemic diseases. Its comprehensive action supports both acute and chronic conditions through traditional herbal remedies.

Key Benefits:
Helps manage gout by reducing inflammation and supporting joint health.
Effective for various skin conditions, including chronic skin disorders and infections.
Assists in managing symptoms associated with syphilis and soft chancre through its detoxifying properties.
Supports treatment and management of filariasis by improving lymphatic health and reducing symptoms.
Aids in the recovery and management of facial palsy by supporting nerve function and reducing inflammation.
Assists in the rehabilitation of paralysis and hemiplegia, promoting nerve health and muscle function.
Helps alleviate numbness and discomfort in the legs by improving circulation and nerve function.
Provides support for various eye disorders through its overall detoxifying and health-promoting effects.


Ingredients Scientific Name Qty
Manjishta Rubia cordifolia (Rt.) 0.222 g
Mustha Cyperus rotundus (Rz.) 0.222 g
Indrayava Holarrhena antidysenterica (St.Bk.) 0.222 g
Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia (St.) 0.222 g
Kushta Saussurea lappa (Rt.) 0.222 g
Sunti Zingiber officinale (Rz.) 0.222 g
Bharangi Clerodendrum serratum (Rt.) 0.222 g
Kantakari Solanum xanthocarpum (PL) 0.222 g
Vacha Acorus calamus (Rz.) 0.222 g
Nimba Azadirachta indica (St.Bk.) 0.222 g
Haridra Curcuma longa (Rz.) 0.222 g
Daruharidra Berberis aristata (St.) 0.222 g
Hareethaki Terminalia chebula (P.) 0.222 g
Vibheethaki Terminalia bellirica (P.) 0.222 g
Amalaki Phyllanthus emblica (P.) 0.222 g
Patola Trichosanthes dioica (Pl.) 0.222 g
Katuka Picrorhiza kurroa (Rz.) 0.222 g
Murva Marsdenia tenacissima (Rt.) 0.222 g
Vidanga Embelia ribes (Fr.) 0.222 g
Asana marsupium (Ht. Wd.) 0.222 g
Chithraka Plumbago zeylanica (Rt. Tr.) (Purified) 0.222 g
Meda Asparagus racemosus (Rt.Tr.) 0.222 g
Trayamana Gentiana kurroo (PL) 0.222 g
Pippali Piper longum (Fr.) 0.222 g
Indrayava Holarrhena antidysenterica (Sd.) 0.222 g
Vasa Adhatoda vasica (Rt.) 0.222 g
Bhrungaraja Eclipta alba (Pl.) 0.222 g
Devadaru Cedrus deodara (Ht.Wd.) 0.222 g
Pata Cissampelos pareira (Rt.Tr.) 0.222 g
Duralabha Acacia catechu (Ht.Wd.) 0.222 g
Chandana Santalum album (Ht.Wd.) 0.222 g
Trivrit Operculina turpethum (Rt.) 0.222 g
Varana Crataeva nurvala (St.Bk.) 0.222 g
Kirathathiktha Swertia chirata (PL) 0.222 g
Bakuchi Psoralea corylifolia (Sd.) 0.222 g
Aragwadha Cassia fistula (St.Bk.) 0.222 g
Sakhotaka Mahanimba Streblus asper (St.Bk.) Melia azedarach (St. Bk.) 0.222 g
Karanja Pongamia pinnata (St.Bk.) 0.222 g
Athivisha Aconitum heterophyllum (Rt.Tr.) 0.222 g
Hribera Coleus vettiveroides (Rt.) 0.222 g
Indravaruni Citrullus colocynthis (Rt.) 0.222 g
Khadira Fagonia cretica (Rt.) 0.222 g
Sariba Hemidesmus indicus (Rt.) 0.222 g
Parpata Fumaria parviflora (Pl.) 0.222 g


Gout, Diseases of skin, Syphilis/Soft chancre, Filariasis, Facial palsy, Paralysis/ Hemiplegia, Numbness of legs, Eye disorder


3 tabs twice daily with one glass of lukewarm water one hour before food, or as directed by the Physician.


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